Communication Timeline

The following suggestions are intended to assist your organization with planning and executing a successful Give BIG Green Bay campaign.

Promoting Your Campaign

Week 1: You're IN!

**Keep in mind that your participation is confidential until the public announcement at 11 a.m. on January 14.**

You should:

  • Assemble your giving day team. Determine roles and responsibilities.
  • Set 1-3 specific goals. You might want to engage past donors, increase your followers, or achieve an incentive. Explore goal setting strategies here.
  • Start setting up your giving day profile. At minimum, you should add your logo and mission prior to the site going live January 14. For tips on building out your profile, click here.

Recommended Tactics:

Week 2: Public Announcement

You Should:

  • Tell everyone you're IN! Following the public announcement on Jan. 14, share the news with your volunteers, donors, and other supporters.
  • (Optional) If you plan to host a giving day event, start reaching out to potential vendors, partners, and volunteers.
  • (Optional) Start recruiting peer-to-peer fundraisers. Learn more about peer-to-peer fundraisers and who to approach here.

Recommended Tactics:

  • Send a "Save the Date" email to past donors and other supporters announcing your participation.
  • Post on social media. Encourage people to follow your page and include a link to your giving day profile.
  • Update your website and socials with Give BIG imagery from the graphics and downloads page.

    Additional Tactics to Consider:

    • Mail a postcard, letter, or newsletter to past donors.
    • Add a banner, pop-up, or giving day logo to your website that links to your giving day profile.
    • Email Board members with specific ways they can engage, promote, and support your campaign. Find ideas here.

    Weeks 3-5: Planning Stage

    You Should:

    • Complete your giving day profile. For tips on building out your profile, click here.
    • Slow the pace of giving day communications until 2 weeks out. Use this time to create a solid plan for encouraging people to learn about and support your organization.

    Recommended Tactics:

    • Gather photos, videos, and testimonials to help tell the story of your organization. Watch the Storytelling Training Video for helpful tips!
    • Plan ahead. Determine which communications will be prioritized (i.e. email, social media, etc.) and pre-schedule these messages ahead of time, if you can.

    Additional Tactics to Consider:

    • Collaborate with fellow participating nonprofits. You might plan to amplify each other's social media posts, produce a video, partner up to host an event, or in other ways.
    • If you are hosting an event, consider sending a press release and email to promote it. Share it with for additional promotion on the giving day website!

    Week 6 & 7: Get Ready to GIVE!

    You Should:

    • Ramp up you communications, outreach, and engagement efforts to ensure your closest supporters are ready for giving day.
    • Finalize any partnerships with local businesses, community partners, and fellow nonprofits.
    • (Optional) Finalize plans and start promoting any public giving day event(s) you'll be hosting. 

    Recommended Tactics:

    • Post on social media regularly about Give BIG Green Bay, using the hashtag #givebiggb.
    • Follow up with your supporters at timely intervals. Provide them with additional details about giving day. Be sure to explain when, how, and why they should support your nonprofit.
    • Solidify your giving day plan. The Campaign Marketing Tool has a tab that can help you stay organized throughout the 24 hours.

    Week 8: Giving Day, Feb 19 & 20, noon-noon

    You Should:

    • Have fun! Take time to celebrate with your team and honor the hard work you've put in to get here.
    • Stay focused by following the plan and goals you've set out to achieve.

    Recommended Tactics:

    • Post on social media regularly about your campaign, major milestones, and any events, challenges, or activities you'll be doing throughout the day using the hashtag #givebiggb.
    • Email your supporters with updates and how they can help your Give BIG Green Bay campaign.
    • Thank your supporters on social media, in emails, or give them a call!

    Additional Tactics to Consider:

    • Update your website and social media to reflect "Give Today" messaging. Include a link to your giving day profile.
    • Send a message to peer-to-peer fundraisers and Board members thanking them and providing them with ways they can help drive engagement.

    Post-Event: Stewardship

    You Should:

    • Download your giving day donor list from the admin profile of your giving day campaign and upload these contacts into your donor database, email, and mailing lists.
    • Gather your giving day team for a wrap-up meeting. Celebrate your hard work and brainstorm ways to engage your giving day supporters.

    Recommended Tactics:

    • Thank your donors at least once in weeks ahead by email, mail, or phone call. Craft a message that feels personal and reinforces the significance of their gift.
    • Send handwritten notes to the people who brought awareness to your campaign (i.e. Board members, peer-to-peer fundraisers, or volunteers).
    • Follow up with donors in the months ahead. Let them know the impact of their donations and provide them with opportunities to continue supporting your cause.